I remember looking at the landscaping of this house before we bought it. It was fall. The trees were beautiful. The landscape all around the house was a mess. My husband and I looked at each other and said, "We can handle that!"
Then Spring came and we had a beautiful display of lily of the valley, wild violets and crocuses. Everything else was grass, invasive perennials, over grown shrubs, and creeping charlie.
Little projects at a time over 3 years, and I finally feel like we are taking back the landscape.
Our Front bed: Great sun exposure, poor soil, and invasive plants. Finally some pretty plants survive. |
This plant invaded the entire front bed. So much that there was no soil left. We put down cardboard and mulch and I pulled and pulled. I actually used Round-up for the one and only time in my life on this stuff. |
This is the same invasive plant that I moved to an outer bed, which it has engulfed and tries to creep into the lawn. |
My well-loved Elderberry Bush that I planted as a 24" stick 3 years ago. |
Last years vegetable beds = This years flower beds
Creeping Charlie threatens the edges |
Some zucchini in a rare sunny spot |
wildflowers where once there was a forsythia monstrosity |
Last years summer and fall project- Take down the Forsythia Monstrosity.
Little bushes arose this year, but still need some cutting back. |