Monday, July 15, 2013

Little obsessions

I am beginning to see a pattern in my life and can not decide if it is a good trait to keep.
The pattern, my obsessions consume me until I have fully lived, breathed, eaten, and experienced this new treasure. This may take one week or one year, but I truly love to fully experience a season's bounty and a new food.

Four weeks ago: It was strawberries.  I needed to find the best place to pick them, pick as many as I could, and make as many strawberry dishes as time allowed. The rest went into the freezer.

Strawberry Muffins

Mixed Berry Gallette

Three weeks ago: I was anxiously awaiting the Elderberry bush in my front yard to bloom: When I saw the roadside bushes in bloom I created strategies of how to pick them, but each time it was highly inconvenient or on a path covered with poison ivy.  And yet, when my bush finally bloomed, there was plenty to pick and leave some for berries.  I picked twelve heads and made a double batch of Elderberry fizz that sat on the counter for its time to "fizz" for two weeks.  I have enjoyed sipping the lovely aroma and shared some with friends.  Recipe in another post soon.

Two weeks ago: Fermentation.  I have an array of fermenting beverages on the counter and lacto-fermented vegetables in the fridge with plans to make more.
The jars with white flowers are filled with the Elderflower fizz, then water kefir and Kombucha.


Lacto fermented Scapes, ginger carrots, and Kimchi.

 This week:

I am anxiously awaiting the growth of my garden cucumbers to pickle them!

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