Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mama friends

When I began the journey to motherhood I had a few good mentor mothers, a supportive mother and mother in law, and several friends in the Waldorf community who were mothers of grade school children.
Then we moved a 1/2 hour away from the Waldorf a School and I felt a little alone. It was not as easy to find time to talk and be with my mentors and it was really hard to make new friends.
As soon as my oldest was 18 months we enrolled in a parent child class at the Waldorf school. Looking back I realize I was anxious, almost desperate, to talk to mothers with the same age of children. I knew I needed more social time as well as my children.

My family helped me create a play space in our basement and then I invited others to come to Waldorf inspired play group. This evolved, I met new friends and was invited to join outdoor playgroups in the area.  Then a group of mothers and children of the same age came together.

I also craved time alone with just the mothers.  We started stitching and sipping one Monday a month.  This was at a time when I never left my boys at night.  I often fell asleep with them or let bedtime go a little longer than it needed to.  My nursling also awoke a few times a night wanting more breast milk. 

But I left.  I went out.  We made  bedtime a little more efficient.  If my boys awoke while I was gone my husband cuddled or patted them back to sleep.  And they were OK!  Maybe better because I was better.

I realized my other Mama friends went through the same thing.
Sometimes we count the hours till stitching and sipping together.  Sometimes we are very late due to a difficult day or bedtime.  But always I feel settled and blessed by these mama friends as we come together.

We changed it to every week.  Sometimes we drink tea.  Sometimes we drink wine.  But we always gather when we are well and the camaraderie makes us strong.

My boys and I are currently enrolled in another Parent Child Class, our 3rd spring session.  This past week I watched how I have grown.  I can be present in the class.  I help clean up or quietly sew.  I am there for my children and do not feel that I must talk the whole time.  This is because of my time with other Mamas.  My heart is content.

We have given each other the opportunity to share and be heard.  To ask how one deals with this or that and to know that if we have a bad day, the others understand.

To my Mama friends:  You know who you are.
Thank you for sharing and caring and for your positive energy and thoughtful presence.
I am blessed by you!

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