Does she have chubby cheeks?
Is her skin dark or light?
How old is she?
I relayed their questions to the musician and joked that maybe my boys have an image of Billy Holiday in their minds. I think this was a compliment to the musical artist who is a young beautiful light skinned woman with a deep heart.
I'd like to surmise that the beauty and inquisition she has for life is reflected in her music and this is the energy we pick up on. Children are so perceptive...
And then I started to think about words.
Positive words to write in a Valentine. Beautiful words to inspire my space.
I wrote some down. I framed some.
It felt good.
Live, Laugh, Love |
I need a lot of positive reminders. You can ask any of my family members. I can slide off the cliff pretty quickly to the realm of doom. Start me talking about modern day agriculture or education and you might think doomsday is near. This is all the more reason I need to create reminders of beauty and love.
Many days my mind is filled with a list of things to accomplish. Sometimes I notice my boys have been playing together for most of it only hearing my words when I need to be mediator.
I must remind myself to take time for these two little people in my life. To speak or sing to them with love, positivity, and to help transform our energy.
Positivity is so important and sometimes so hard to maintain.
Everyone wants to be in a positive space. Everyone wants to be loved unconditionally.
I am reminded of the work of Masaru Emoto. He published the pictures of his work with water crystals. He has frozen and observed water crystals from all over the world under a range of conditions. He has taken "ugly water", said a prayer, and transformed it.
He recorded the effects of single words like: Love, Peace, Beautiful, Evil and the effects are seen in the frozen water crystal. To see more check out the website.
Considering that our bodies are made up of mostly water we could surmise that we create beauty within, when we speak, write, and sing, kind words to each other.
It is amazing to me to see the effects of just one word. Some of my favorite words are displayed around my house to remind me to say them to myself and to others. It is so easy to do, but so underdone.
Feel free to use these ideas. Copy the words, if you wish. Display, say, and give them to your loved ones and friends. Share them, because we, the people and children of the world, continually need positive energy around and within us...
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