Friday, January 16, 2015

I stole their bath.

Sometimes my husband needs to travel. We get into a bit of a different rhythm. Just a 3 year old, 5 year old, and their Mama. The transition to evening is a little different...

Tonight after dinner I set up a story silk with the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  They know the story well and asked to help act it out. They were the Billy goats. I was the troll. After the story they wanted to continue creating their own stories. We made their wood castle into a puppet theater and they created stories for some time.

I was able to pull them away  for a bedtime snack of applesauce and yogurt, but then they went right back to their play. I drew a bath and their play turned into a child going to school and saying goodbye to his mother. They traveled through bedroom doors sending each other off to school.
I said: "Your bath is ready! Please come to the back bath."
I was practically ignored.  The dialogue continued of sweet play between brothers (not always the case).

I remembered a post on Face book earlier by Elizabeth Gilbert. This quote was on her feed:

"and I said to my body, softly. 'I want to be your friend.' it took a long breath and replied, 'I have been waiting my whole life for this'" - Nyyirah Waheed

And as methodically as a wave crashes on the shore, I stole their bath!
I sunk into the water and let my whole body relax. I was kind to my body, to my friend.
About the time I choose to add steaming water to my bath I heard the blind go up and little guy exclaim,
"Good morning son! It is time to get ready for school".
Knowing my neighbors often take a nightly constitution directly out our bedroom window, I asked the boys to please close the bathroom door so I could get out of the bath.
The door was closed. My soak, my treat done.
I closed the blinds in my towel, put on my pjs and washed little boys faces and hands before crawling into bed.
They got ready quickly, because a new book from our favorite author was in my hands.

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