Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Making Nonnie's Bread Recipe

This old Italian Cooking Book was originally from my husband's Nonnie and my mother-in-law sent it home with me a couple weeks ago.  We tried out the Italian Bread recipe today.

We mixed the yeast mixture with the first 3 cups of sifted flour and the consistency was euphoria for my little guys.  Maybe it is the Italian blood in them, but they also eat quite a bit of dough while baking...

We managed to sift another 3 cups of flour and add to the dough.
Then poked it and pricked it and marked it with a B... (and a straw)
Left it to rise while we napped
Divided it in half and put the rest in the fridge to make breadsticks
Then Rolled it into a big rectangle to fold over.
And let it double
Then baked it for an hour, lathered it with butter, and ate it with salad and strawberries from our garden and Spaghetti Carbonara

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